The Latest
Why Some Software Will Resist AI's Advance: The Case of Trading Systems
The hidden nature of trading systems and why this means that they will likely resist AI's advance.
Synthetic Testing in Production
Techniques to implement synthetic testing in production with state machines
Zero Downtime State Machines
Techniques to implement zero downtime state machines
State Machine Determinism Validation
Techniques to validate the determinism of your state machine, with and without adding latency
I/O Isolation with RingBuffers
How to properly isolate business logic from I/O operations and build low-latency applications
Aeron Process Observability
How to observe the state of your Aeron based applications without adding latency
Failure Detection in Agrona Streaming Applications
How to detect failures in your distributed streaming applications
Message Priotization and Sequencers
Discussion on a limitation of sequencers around message priority.
Sharing State in a Sequencer Environment
Discussion on how to share state safely in a sequencer environment.
Read Heavy Aeron Cluster Workloads
Investigating the read consistency models supported by Aeron Cluster.
Increasing Replicated State Machine Throughput in Trading Systems
Looking at ways to increase the throughput of replicated state machines in trading systems.
Can We Reduce Coordination in Cloud Trading Venues?
Trying and failing to reduce the coordination overhead in cloud trading venues.
Chain replication, CRAQ & Hermes
An introduction to the Chain Replication family of protocols.
Primary-Backup Replication
An overview of several primary-backup replication protocols.
Three Types of Sequencers
A brief introduction to the three types of sequencers.
Natural Batching
A simple technique to increase throughput while keeping average latency low.
Back pressure
An overview of back pressure and how it can be applied in distributed systems.
State Machine Replication: A Brief History
A brief history of state machine replication.