This is a personal site where all opinions expressed are my own and do not reflect those of any employer or affiliated organization. The site is not monetized, and content is shared to contribute to discussion rather than to serve as an authoritative reference.


Found an error? Have a suggestion? Want to discuss ideas? I can be reached via email.

Editorial Philosophy

I believe in continuous improvement and the power of iteration. The content here represents my current understanding and perspective—a snapshot in time rather than an immutable truth. I regularly revisit and update posts to reflect new learnings and changing viewpoints, and actively remove content that no longer aligns with my current thinking.

Evergreen Status

Items may be labeled with an evergreen icon to indicate their status.

  • evergreen - article is stable, subject to minimal updates
  • growing - article is growing, subject to occasional updates
  • budding - article is new or partially written, and may contain many inaccuracies
  • just planted - an article that is in the very early process of being written. I keep drafts public on this site to allow collection of early feedback.
  • fallen - article is outdated and may contain many inaccuracies; deletion is likely

AI Policy

I embrace AI as a collaborative tool in my creative process. Here's how I work with AI:

  • Content Creation: All articles begin with human-written drafts. While AI assists with editing and refinement, the core ideas and perspectives are my own.
  • Research: I use models from OpenAI, Anthropic, and Meta to help summarize and process research papers, always with careful human verification.
  • Development: Tools like Cursor aid in technical implementation, supported by Claude and ChatGPT.
  • Writing Environment: serves as my primary writing platform, offering AI-enhanced editing capabilities.
  • Images: I use Midjourney and FLUX.1.1 to generate images, and then use Photoshop to refine them.

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